Our Professional Staff
Our experienced providers are committed to a high standard of patient care and are here for you throughout every stage of your hearing journey.

Pam Deraita
Hearing Aid Specialist
Owner, Pam Deraita is licensed in both Oregon and California and is highly trained in all phases of hearing testing and instrument dispensing. Born and raised in Eureka, California, she worked at North Coast Audiology for nineteen years before moving to Brookings in 2002. Pam purchased Hearing Health Care, Inc. in 2004 and has been helping people achieve better hearing for the past thirty-four years. Pam is currently and actively involved in the Brookings-Harbor Lions Club as Hearing Chair and past president of the Brookings-Harbor Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the Lions Club, she is also a member of the American Auditory Society, Oregon Hearing Society, Inc., and the International Hearing Society.